Please abide by our park rules to keep our holiday park a pleasant place for everyone! Failure to do so may result in the termination of your site licence.

Noise restrictions apply between 9PM and 8AM. Please keep noise levels down after this time. If there is excessive noise within the park, please see reception or phone management, we will try our best to remedy the issue.  If you have a noise complaint which is outside of the park there is unfortunately not a lot that we can do to control it, in this case, please phone noise control on 0800 492 452.
Watch out for pedestrians, bicycles, trikes and especially children!  The speed limit within the park grounds is 8km or walking pace for any type of vehicle. Please be extra cautious around the playground area. Dangerous driving will not be tolerated. All drivers must hold a current and valid drivers licence. Quads and noisy motor vehicles are to be used in moderation around the park. Dirt bikes are not allowed to be ridden in the park grounds.
Each licensed area includes a space for parking, some of those spaces are undefined. Please ensure that you do not block any entrance-ways, guest accommodation/sites or park in the way of other licensees or licensed areas.
Personal Belongings
We do not take any responsibility for personal belongings. Please ensure that valuables, rooms and vehicles are secure.
Please notify reception of any damages of any property or services belonging to the holiday park. Damages to our property may incur a replacement and/or repair fee.
Behaviour & Conduct
Be mindful of fellow licensees and visitors! Good behaviour and appropriate dress is required at all times.
  • No loud swearing
  • No excessive drinking
  • No parties
  • No loud music
  • Discrimination will not be tolerated

Management reserves the right to refuse entry or remove any person(s) from the premises who (in the opinion of management) behave in an objectionable manner or contravene park rules.

The consumption of alcohol is prohibited within shared park areas and communal buildings (unless otherwise authorised by management). Alcohol consumption is restricted to guests sites and licensees licensed areas ONLY. Excessive alcohol consumption is prohibited on park grounds. Management reserves the right to restrict/prohibit the consumption of alcohol within park grounds at any given time.
There is a “No Smoking” policy in all of the park owned buildings, communal deck areas, BBQ areas, Ping Pong table area and the childrens’ playground. Please dispose of cigarette butts properly.
Child Supervision
Adults and caregivers are responsible for their child’s/children’s supervision, behaviour and safety at all times. Children must have adequate adult supervision at all times, especially when riding bicycles and other riding toys. Children are not permitted to ride any motorised vehicle on camp grounds. Be mindful of traffic. Licensees will be responsible for any damages occured by and children they are responsible for or who are visiting their site.
No Dumping/Other rubbish disposal
The park provides rubbish and recycling bins for household garbage. Waste that is not considered normal household garbage must not be put in the rubbish/recycling bins or the bin areas. Licensees are responsible for disposing of all other waste. We do not allow items to be placed on the roadside verge outside of the campground, this causes issues for our groundsmen and makes our park look untidy.
No Fires, Fireworks or Accelerants
Open fires and fireworks are not permitted in the park grounds. No accelerants are permitted.
You must clean up after yourself. Do not leave any messes in the bathrooms, showers, communal buildings or any other park areas.  Make sure that you immediately clean areas well if you have caused a mess. Do not leave this for other holiday makers and park users to stumble upon. Please inform our reception of any issues.
Pest Control
The Port Waikato Holiday Park outsources pest management who inspect and re-bait stations on a bi-monthly basis. If you are having problems with pests please notify reception so that we are aware. Licensees are responsible for pest management and control within licensed areas, however, we may be able to target or increase pest control near your site.

The Park Rules and Conduct regulations listed here are in addition to, do not substitute any terms and conditions of the General Use Licence or any other existing park rules, policies, procedures and regulations.

contact info

Port Waikato Holiday Park:
115B Maunsell Road
Port Waikato RD5
Tuakau 2695
New Zealand

+64 9 232 9857

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