All pets in the campground must be registered with our office


No dogs should be adopted to reside in the holiday park at this time. This does not apply to holidaymakers or new site holders who do not reside at the holiday park.

Each semi permanent site has the allowance for a maximum of two dogs per site. There should be no more pets than this per site at a time.  From time to time we understand if a visitor may bring a dog along with them.  Please request approval for this from our reception – If approved a Dog Pet Policy will need to be signed and a fee may be charged. Our standard fee for dog stays is $5 per night.

It is the owners responsibility to ensure the safety and supervision of their dog and of people around their dog. We are a holiday park and as such often have small children in the campground.  Be mindful of the nature of our business when bringing a pet into the park.

  • Dogs must be restrained on a lead or contained in your licensed area at all times – No exceptions!
  • Dogs must not disturb others in the park with barking, whimpering or other noise or disruptions.
  • Owners must clean up after their dogs immediately.
  • Dogs are not permitted in any communal kitchens, bathrooms or other park facility buildings.
  • Dogs are not permitted in any playground or children play areas.
  • Dogs are not permitted to enter any park owned buildings – No exceptions!
  • Management reserves the right to evict your dog if deemed to be a nuisance.
  • All dogs are required by law to be micro-chipped and registered with the district council and as such are required by the park to be.

If there are issues with other guests not adhering to our pet policy, please alert reception.



No cats should be adopted to reside in the holiday park at this time.
We understand there are a number of cats already within the campground and from time to time other cats may frequent the holiday park from neighbouring properties.
We are a dog friendly holiday park – The Port Waikato Holiday Park takes no responsibility for the actions of dogs or any other animals or person(s) towards any cats.
If you experience issues with this, please endeavor to keep your cat(s) contained in your site area.


Other Pets & Animals

No other pets should be adopted to reside in the holiday park at this time.

We are a dog friendly holiday park – The Port Waikato Holiday Park takes no responsibility for the actions of dogs or any other animals or person(s) towards any pets. If you experience issues with this, please endeavor to keep you pet(s) contained in your site area.

We do not allow any rodents, ferrets, guinnea pigs, opossums, rabbits, mice or any NZ Prohibited Pets to be kept on site.

Animal Control

From time to time the Port Waikato Holiday Park may request the services of Animal Control to remove unauthorised animals within the park grounds. 


contact info

Port Waikato Holiday Park:
115B Maunsell Road
Port Waikato RD5
Tuakau 2695
New Zealand

+64 9 232 9857

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